A Pink Bow
No not that kind!! |
This kind! |
Yesterday afternoon after church we were sitting around the house. It was really too hot outside to be enjoyable. So we decided to trek over to our favorite store (the kids and hubby's favorite store anyway, I like the mandarin ducks there though) Bass Pro Shop. Jeremy had a gift card from his birthday (in March) he still hadn't spent. So as we looked at guns, trail cams, food plot seed, the ducks, books, camo recliners, pictures, fishing poles (in pink, well that's what I looked at) clothing, etc. Then we decided to head up and check out the cross bows. That's when it happened...did you know they make pink bows? I looked at it and said it was cute, the next thing I know hubby is saying, "If you want it I will buy it right now!" (If you know my husband this is shocking in itself, he is not a big spender. He is an amazingly thoughtful gift giver and loving man, but he doesn't just spend money to spend money) Of course as a Mom and wife I am always thinking of what I can buy for the kids or hubby or the house. I have a hard time spending money on myself, I just feel guilty (unless it's a garage sale love cute cheap clothes from garage sales) And besides home improvement (if you can call that a hobby, can you?) I have never really had a hobby to call my own. Hubby has been bugging me to find something (other than home improving) that I would like to do. He has been pushing golf (never golfed in my life.) He wanted to do something together (that does sound nice, doesn't it?) So before I knew it the bow was off the shelf and they (salesman and hubby) were taking me to try shooting it in the indoor range. I still am unsure how all of this happened. I was shooting it, I failed miserably with 2 shots but hubby was insistent that I would like it and we should get it. Before I knew it we were walking out (we did pay for it first) with the PINK bow (pink being the more important word there). Next step PINK arrows and maybe a PINK release (for now I am trying out hubby's to see what kind I like) :)
Hubby even called me this afternoon to see if I shot it yet
(I am waiting for him to get home for this.) When I said no, he said well did you go look at it? I am not sure who is more excited
(ok, he is for sure) But it would be nice to have a hobby that we can enjoy together. Hopefully I will be good at this.
(I have never liked anything hobby wise to work at being good at it, nothing hobby wise has ever been that important to me. Even as a kid.) I feel like the Brave princess, Merida with my curly hair and new
(pink) bow!
Me trying to figure out how to look through that teeny hole! (peephole I think it's called) |
I had to share his note to me on our I LOVE YOU board this morning, just in case his excitement did not come across clearly enough in my story LOL :) LOVE HIM! |
Just to verify for you all how much my Hubby loves shooting (here he is teaching our 3 year old son)
Yayyy!! Family bow competition. ( Just for fun )
ReplyDeleteMaybe blogging will become your hobby ;)